1305 Dock Street

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1305 Dock Street
Baltimore, MD 21231 BaltimoreRate and review
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1305 Dock Street offers brand new apartment residences uniquely positioned at the convergence of Baltimore’s most vibrant areas: Harbor East, Fell’s Point and Baltimore Harbor. Merging to create the fast-growing neighborhood of Harbor Point, these boutique apartments will be an exclusive waterside retreat with floor-to-ceiling windows, stunning views of Harbor East, and elegant appliances & finishes. A chef’s kitchen, ambient fireplace, billiards table and elegant seating await you in the well-detailed lounge, with private meeting rooms and computer cafes for when there's work to be done. With only 118 residences, our amenity spaces feel calm, considered and never over-crowded: which is, perhaps, the most luxurious perk of all.

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