Nestled in the heart of historic Downtown Old Town Alexandria and Annapolis, THE LUCKY KNOT strives to offer it's customers high quality men and women's clothing with a nautical feel. From the beach to the boat to dinner to the bar, in our clothes you'll look good and feel great, all with ease. We can help you achieve an American classic lifestyle of tradition and a life by the sea. THE LUCKY KNOT is a thriving small business with a strong local and national presence. "We first opened our doors July 4, 2012, and thought what a fitting day to open our Classic American Clothing store - on America's Birthday!" Co-Owner Stavroulla Kokkinis.
The owners search all over the US for head-to-toe wardrobe selections for their customers. "We look for American made products to sell in our store." Co-Owner Andrea Ploutis. One of our favorite brands, Collared Green Ties, explains it best: American-made means tradition, craftsmanship, pride, legacy and above all else, premium quality.
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